Friday, January 28, 2011

Festival Advert

I drew up a basic image for the initial advert, including the name of the festival (RUDE BOX 2011) and a slogan, dirt, dance and dupstep. This then appeals to the target audience of young adults and teenagers as it's a youthful, fun and appealing experience. I then scanned the image onto photoshop:

I then added a new layer, and began filling in the gaps with colour and text: 

I finally added the finished advert to my newspaper design:

I especially like how it stands out on the page in contrast to the lighter shades. This then attracts potential buyers to this particular newspaper in comparison to others around.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Editor's photo

I've now uploaded my profile image to my blog on the website to add a more realistic tone to my newspaper:

Today I plan to begin designing the advertisements for my cover as well as one's to put onto the website. I was inspired by Kate Moross:

This looks youthful and artistic, which I want to use as a basis for my festival ticket competition. I'll begin by drawing the graphics by pencil, scanning the image onto the computer, then using photoshop I'll color in the picture to give a similar effect.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Production Lesson 8

Today I decided to work on both my website and print design. I've decided my two pages on will be the home page and the editor's blog. I've incorporated current affairs within the news and also advertised the release date for the first issue of the paper:

I also asked for the readers to interact with the site and this included asking students in class to comment.

One comment to develop my blog would be to add a photo of myself to accentuate the fact I'm the Editor and it also adds a sense of familiarity for a reader to see a face to associate with.

For my print design I've finished the overall layout and am now beginning to consider potential advert designs:

Friday, January 7, 2011

Production lesson 7

Today I began taking photographs for my main cover story about teenage binge drinking. I decided to use an image of a young girl seemingly drunk with a wine bottle in her hand. This coincides with a point I make in the article itself:

I used photoshop to make the image more visually dynamic with regards to colour adjustments and light levels:

Other photo's I'd taken I felt were too posed or looked distorted from the weather conditions of quality of capture: 

After adding the image onto my newspaper design, I began experimenting with the layout: