Friday, December 17, 2010

Production lesson 6

After receiving feedback from my teacher, I decided to redesign my layout for the paper, using the original ideas but with a different format to prevent it looking too blocked. After beginning to redesign my work, I had to first create my logo in Illustrator due to the original looking pixilated when scaled larger:

As you can see, the one on the left looks far better than the original
I was then able to experiment with drop shadows, transparency tools and gradients to produce a better quality logo:

I've then placed the new logo document into my new layout:

My teacher also suggested varying my fonts to ensure my title stands out, therefore the 'EXPRESS' is now in bold.

Over half term I plan to take images for my cover story and double page spread, as well as my website photographs. I'm aiming for something similar to images I found whilst researching:

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