Friday, April 8, 2011

Final Designs

Double Page Spread


Front Page

Evaluation slides

As I created my evaluation on Powerpoint, I imported the movie files I'd recorded onto four slides. Because of this, when I saved the powerpoint as a movie file there were some issues with not only the quality but also the film footage. I decided to add the youtube versions onto the blog separately, as well as each slide as an image. The black boxes represent the videos and the hyperlinks are underneath each slide if required:

Click here

Grcode, Express News

Mail Online, Telegraph Online

Chart Tool, Color Lovers, Grcode

Symbios, Websites

Monday, April 4, 2011


I've now started to create my evaluation on Microsoft Powerpoint. I wanted to create a presentation because it would enable me to include various media texts such as video, images and audio. I've written a script for an introduction that I'll be filming later on today:

Hello, welcome to the express news production introduction…
I’m Robyn Montague and this power point is an evaluation of the process I’d taken to construct my A2 coursework and produce this newspaper. The questions I’ll be answering in this demonstration will be the ways in which my media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products, How effective the combination of my main product and ancillary texts are, what I’ve learnt from my audience feedback and finally how I used new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage. I hope you enjoy the various media sources incorporated as well as the finished publication. Thanks for listening.

This was I'll be addressing the audience as I would for a live broadcast.