Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Express Coffee advert

after receiving feedback from the class on my design, my teacher suggested making the express coffee advert more appealing to the audience. I decided to incorporate a special deal embedded into the image to attract a demographic. 'Free coffee to all express news readers' would be an added bonus to readers, and the brand can also act as a sponsor of the paper. I added terms and conditions in a small print underneath to clarify how they can utilize the voucher:

*To collect, simply bring todays copy of express news to your local Express coffee house. visit www.expresscoffee.co.uk to locate your nearest store.

Friday, February 18, 2011

interview questions

Binge Drinking interview questions:
 T- teenager
 A- adult

1. T:
How does the media publicity of teen drinking affect your response to alcohol?

2. A:
Would you say it was easier for you to drink when you were a teenager?

3. A+T:
How old were you when you started, and how often a week would you drink?

4. A: Do you drink more now over the course of a week, or is it just excessive intake in one night?

5. A: Do you think teenagers drink more now than they did a decade ago?

6. T+A:
From the statistics shown within the news report from the mail online, does it show teenagers in a positive or negative light?

7. T: Is it fair for the media to suggest teenage drinking is ‘out of control’?

8. A+T: Any stories of a drunken night gone wrong?

9. A+T: Pub or Club?

10. A: If you could go back and not drink at a young age, would you, and why?

11. T: If the drinking age was increased to 21, what affect will that have on your social life?

12. A+T: Is 18 a good age to start legally drinking and why?

I used a tape recorded in order to produce the best clarity as well as giving the impression of a radio interview. I also added an introduction to identify to the listener who's presenting and who's being interviewed and for what purpose.

To add the audio file onto the website, I had to first upload it as a video file onto YouTube and then copy and paste the URL into the html coding. This was due to the file exceeding maximum GB size of 2:

Some of the interview will be copied and written onto my DPS as an extra feature, along with a pie chart to emphasize statistics shown in the mail online article. 

Front page altercations

Double Page Spread

I've began designing the layout for my DPS and took inspiration from two examples of print media, which include 'The News' Portsmouth, and 'More' magazine. By combining design techniques from both, it'll create a youthful, finish but still contain the typical conventions of a newspaper. One page in particular:

I like how the photo is the focus and the text is separated in boxes. This also relates to my idea of incorporating an interview with a student and a member of faculty to discuss their views on teenage binge drinking. I plan to record the interview and add it to my website blog as a way of expanding on my use of technology. I've also taken ideas from a two page spread from 'The News' with regards to features. These include weather, content, smaller news reports, and contact details of the staff. I particularly liked where the weather was positioned on the page:

The icons I'll design on Photoshop and then add to the DPS format on InDesign.

I also want to take photos of myself and other students working on the computers in the classroom to add to a slideshow onto the website blog, to  demonstrate the 'news room' working hard before the release date in May.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finishing Touches

After inserting the main advertisement to the front cover, I began lining up the graphics to order to make the design symmetrical. I used the InDesign page margins and columns to ensure they're in perfect alignment:

After looking at the final print out version, I found the text looked too large on paper in comparison to the headlines and images. I then decided to use font size 11 instead of 13:

Finally I began uploading images onto photo bucket to then insert them onto my website. These images include the advertisements: