Friday, February 18, 2011

interview questions

Binge Drinking interview questions:
 T- teenager
 A- adult

1. T:
How does the media publicity of teen drinking affect your response to alcohol?

2. A:
Would you say it was easier for you to drink when you were a teenager?

3. A+T:
How old were you when you started, and how often a week would you drink?

4. A: Do you drink more now over the course of a week, or is it just excessive intake in one night?

5. A: Do you think teenagers drink more now than they did a decade ago?

6. T+A:
From the statistics shown within the news report from the mail online, does it show teenagers in a positive or negative light?

7. T: Is it fair for the media to suggest teenage drinking is ‘out of control’?

8. A+T: Any stories of a drunken night gone wrong?

9. A+T: Pub or Club?

10. A: If you could go back and not drink at a young age, would you, and why?

11. T: If the drinking age was increased to 21, what affect will that have on your social life?

12. A+T: Is 18 a good age to start legally drinking and why?

I used a tape recorded in order to produce the best clarity as well as giving the impression of a radio interview. I also added an introduction to identify to the listener who's presenting and who's being interviewed and for what purpose.

To add the audio file onto the website, I had to first upload it as a video file onto YouTube and then copy and paste the URL into the html coding. This was due to the file exceeding maximum GB size of 2:

Some of the interview will be copied and written onto my DPS as an extra feature, along with a pie chart to emphasize statistics shown in the mail online article. 

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