Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Website home page

The last piece of design work I had to create was my home page news section for my website. I drew inspiration from the Portsmouth News again:

I decided to take images and create stories to work around them:

I then designed the layout on InDesign and added it to my website:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Poster Altercations

I made a few altercations to my poster, as I wasn't completely satisfied with the design. I decided to change the color of the 'EXPRESS NEWS' to something more vibrant and eye catching like blue. I went back to Illustrator and experimented with colors that worked well with the yellow and orange background. Another thing I felt I needed was an explanation of what the paper consisted of. I added the content of the paper along the top of the poster in a small font to give readers an idea of what to expect:

My teacher also informed me about a coding system now used on most advertisements as a quick and easy way of ordering a product. I had to visit qrcode in order to generator the code to my website:

I then added this image onto the poster to add clarity and credibility to my piece:

Finally I added grass graphics around the edge of the coffee cup logo because I felt it looked too placed and separate from the background:

Because of these little changes I've had to reinsert the advertisement images onto my website blog:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poster Production

 For my initial idea I decided to create a cloud effect font to add to the poster, which co-insides with the sunrise background I wanted to use in order to give the impression of an early start as the newspaper is a 'morning dose' for the readers. I used a website to help direct me on how to create this font effect in photoshop:

Unfortunately, because I chose to use a transparent background the finished look didn't stand out against the yellow I planned to use. Therefore I decided to use Illustrator to construct a 3D title for 'Express News' using the font style 'impact' as it lives up to it's name:

This stood out against the background of the poster better, which would result in the purpose of the advertisement being easily recognizable by potential readers. 

Initially I wanted the logo of the coffee cup positioned in the centre of the poster as it's the defining aspect of the paper. Although I found it took up the majority of space and I'd also hoped to incorporate reviews:

After experimenting with the layout, I found that by placing the logo on the right hand side and the reviews on the left it made the poster more visually dynamic. I supported the connection between coffee and the paper by placing a piece of text 'Hot off the press' over the label of the logo which links to  both. As well as editing the font to have a drop shadow:

I then added a fire graphic to replace the 'O' giving a more youthful design. Connotations of fire are associated the paper with being hot in the sense that it's an attractive read:

I felt I should use other young media resources to review 'express news' as it then appeals to my target demographic. At the bottom I wrote the terms and conditions as well as contact information for those interested in purchasing the publication: 

Finally I thought it would be a good marketing scheme to show where the adverts are being shown over the country on the website. To do so, I've found a website where I can insert the poster onto a photograph. 

I then uploaded these images to my website blog:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weather feature

For my DPS I've been adding the finishing touches which include parts of the audio interview and finishing the weather feature on the left hand side of the page:

I've now completed the double page spread and can now begin designing the poster as an advertisement scheme. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Interview link

Exclusive interview
For Express News readers!

Website advertisement

I've managed to upload my original advertisement to the layout of my website homepage:

Pie Chart

I wanted my DPS to be visually dynamic, and I felt to do so whilst still connecting to the article, I'd create a   pie chart to show the size proportions of the statistics:

 '22% of girls 
  admit to binge
    only 19% of boys!'

I began by inserting the information onto a website pie chart constructor to get an idea of the ratio of each percent i.e 22% girls, 19% boys and no response:

I then took this knowledge by copying the image and pasting it onto the software adobe illustrator and using the 3D tool to enhance the look:

I also added text over each section to indicate which represented which gender

I then placed the final pie chart into my DPS:

DPS production

I began designing the layout of the DPS and used an image I'd taken from a social event that involved both teenagers and alcohol in order to relate to the subject 'teenage binge drinking' and the interview (which I'd add later). 

I felt this was the most appropriate image as it illustrates both genders enjoying
 themselves and only one alcohol bottle present. It maintains the youthful tone I want for the publication but doesn't generically show teenagers in a negative light by insinuating they drink excessively when 'out on the town'. 
This photo does highlight teenagers being energetic, and possibly immature, which could then be interpreted as a negative image. I also felt it wasn't appropriate for this article because there is no alcohol present and it only consists mainly of two young females. 

I wanted an image that focuses only on alcohol, however I felt this was too posed for the point I was hoping to make in the article about the media manipulating the truth (to an extent). Therefore I chose not to include it. 

I used this image from the photo shoot for the main cover image to coincide with a fact I've decided to include in the DPS for an statistical impact on the audience. I also put the source of the information underneath to add creditability and authenticity to my piece:

For the article itself, I've used a blocking design in order to separate the interview, image, headline and weather reports from each other to mimic the layouts in magazines that have gained an established audience of young people. I took this on board and merged the newspapers color schemes to merge both design styles together in oder to attract a younger demographic:

I liked how certain phrases, or quotes where highlighter by contrasting color, font, and size against the rest of the text. This then advertises the most intriguing points in the piece that draw in the reader. I also incorporated an advice line at the bottom as a method of helping those struggling with similar issues raised:

To ensure the boxes are aligned correctly, I again used the margins and columns guide on InDesign:

This is my layout so far: