Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poster Production

 For my initial idea I decided to create a cloud effect font to add to the poster, which co-insides with the sunrise background I wanted to use in order to give the impression of an early start as the newspaper is a 'morning dose' for the readers. I used a website to help direct me on how to create this font effect in photoshop:

Unfortunately, because I chose to use a transparent background the finished look didn't stand out against the yellow I planned to use. Therefore I decided to use Illustrator to construct a 3D title for 'Express News' using the font style 'impact' as it lives up to it's name:

This stood out against the background of the poster better, which would result in the purpose of the advertisement being easily recognizable by potential readers. 

Initially I wanted the logo of the coffee cup positioned in the centre of the poster as it's the defining aspect of the paper. Although I found it took up the majority of space and I'd also hoped to incorporate reviews:

After experimenting with the layout, I found that by placing the logo on the right hand side and the reviews on the left it made the poster more visually dynamic. I supported the connection between coffee and the paper by placing a piece of text 'Hot off the press' over the label of the logo which links to  both. As well as editing the font to have a drop shadow:

I then added a fire graphic to replace the 'O' giving a more youthful design. Connotations of fire are associated the paper with being hot in the sense that it's an attractive read:

I felt I should use other young media resources to review 'express news' as it then appeals to my target demographic. At the bottom I wrote the terms and conditions as well as contact information for those interested in purchasing the publication: 

Finally I thought it would be a good marketing scheme to show where the adverts are being shown over the country on the website. To do so, I've found a website where I can insert the poster onto a photograph. 

I then uploaded these images to my website blog:

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