Friday, November 5, 2010

Production Lesson 1

The first thing I've decided to focus on is my paper's ABC'S. I feel the best way to create a popular, successful print publication will be by using social networking sites such as Facebook, and word of mouth to receive constructive feedback from my target audience of teens to young adults. I feel as I'm categorized within this age group, I am best able to create and understand what they want in a paper.

To begin with I need to decide on a name for my paper that will attract a youthful audience. I've come up with four possibilities:

Relevant News
Express News
The Morning Dose

I need to start by creating a Facebook page, and invite 15 females, and 15 males to vote on their preferred name. I can enquire on a preferred icon, content, and how much they'd pay. I've decided already for the paper to be a morning release as it can help with fast paced, early starts. An on the go read.

Here are some of the colour schemes:





As it's print I also need to take into account the pantone colour:

colour palette 1: 
colour palette 2:

colour palette 3:

colour palette 4:

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